How to Get Images of all PODs and Deployments

How to Get Images of all PODs and Deployments

Let's say you have two similar namespaces in your Kuberentes cluster and you want to compare the images of pods running on both these name spaces. Or Simply want to know what images are being used across the pods (or) deployments in your namespace Of course we are...

Ansible Find multiple files with pattern and replace

Ansible Find multiple files with pattern and replace

In this post we are going we are going to see how to find a list of  files containing a text or a pattern and replace them at once. As you know I have written a dedicated and brief articles on both Ansible find and replace modules with many examples. Ansible Find...

Find Who owns the Private IP in AWS | DevOps Junction

Find Who owns the Private IP in AWS | DevOps Junction

At times of troubleshooting an issue or doing a forensic on a security incident in your AWS account.  Finding who owns Private IP plays a major role. Do you know Almost all the AWS resources like Load Balancers, RDS, EFS has their own private IP address. So how to...

Find EC2 instances using EFS - EFS Usage Report

Find EC2 instances using EFS - EFS Usage Report

Let's suppose that you have an infrastructure of 1000 hosts and you want to know how many of them use EFS - Elastic File System or traditionally known as Network File System Or Let's just say that you have 100 EFS File systems in your AWS account and you want to audit...

AWS CLI List EFS Filesystem sort by Size

AWS CLI List EFS Filesystem sort by Size

In this post we are going to see an aws cli command to list elastic file systems sorted by Size in ascending or descending order. While am sharing all the new tricks in AWS CLI I come across. this is something I have learnt recently There is a dedicated post of AWS...

PLSQL Describe tables in schema - Oracle

PLSQL Describe tables in schema - Oracle

At times, while we want to get a list of tables and their columns along with their data types from Oracle. It is not so efficient to useDESC <tablename> for all the tables one after another. I had a similar requirement and I came to know that DESC does not work...

Ansible Bastion - SSH to remote hosts using Bastion

Ansible Bastion - SSH to remote hosts using Bastion

In this article we are going to see how to connect to remote hosts using Bastion host or Jump Server for Ansible playbook or Adhoc command execution. In General, We know it is a an easy job to connect to remote hosts from Ansible control machine ( where you execute...

Manage and Monitor Kubernetes with ease - Lens IDE

Manage and Monitor Kubernetes with ease - Lens IDE

I came across a wonderful solution for managing and monitoring the Kubernetes cluster and wanted to share my experience in this post with screenshots. While there are a lot of ways to monitor the Kubernetes cluster like setting up Prometheus, Grafana Deamon set and...

Ansible FirewallD Example - Managing Firewall Rules

Ansible FirewallD Example - Managing Firewall Rules

Managing firewall rules are a tedious task but indispensable for a secure infrastructure.  While all the cloud providers are having their own ACL and firewall rule offerings to protect your cloud resources. Some of us are still using the firewall-d for...

Articles for DevOps Beginner

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