Ansible Playbook to install Tomcat - how-to guide | Devops Junction
In this article, we are going to share the Ansible playbook for tomcat installation. If you are new to Ansible, refer to our introductory article on the Ansible playbook and come back. Now let us move on with our objective. Tomcat, A web application server powered by...

List Environment variables of a POD and Container - Kubectl | Devops Junction
In this quick article let us see how to list the Environment variables of a POD and its containers. Environment variables are common in all ecosystems, Let it be monolith applications or Micro Services. Those who started their journey with Java might be well aware of...

How to Exec into CrashLoopBackOff POD - Kubernetes | DevOpsJunction
We launch the pods and wait for them to come to a running state but sometimes the pod goes to CrashLoopBackOff state. The Reason could be a mere Capacity issue or an OutOfMemory situation could have happened. which you can find when you describe the crashing pod using...

kubectl delete stuck - what to do and why this happen| Devops Junction
In this article, we are going to see what to do when your kubectl delete command stuck. When you are trying to delete Kubernetes resources such as pod job ingress PVC - Persistent Volume Claim PV - Persistent Volume you might notice sometimes that your kubectl delete...

Kubernetes Configmap Examples - How to Guide | Devops Junction
In this article, let us explore Kubernetes configmap and how to create, edit, update, and use them with examples. Configmap as the name suggests holds some configuration information, It can be a fine-grained string or an entire file. It eliminates the need to hardcode...

Kubectl Scale down All pods/deployments in namespace - Kubernetes
How to Scaledown all the pods and deployments in a namespace. or across namespaces in your current Kubernetes cluster context. At times, you might want to just hibernate your namespace and deployments by scaling down the pods to 0 For some cost savings, let's say you...

Install Karpenter on Existing EKS Cluster - Autoscaler Migration | Kubernetes
Karpenter Auto Scaler is fairly advanced and provides a lot of Customization options than its predecessor Cluster Auto Scaler. (CA) In our previous article, we have seen how to install and set up Karpenter Auto Scaler into a new EKS Cluster using Terraform. In this...

Kubectl Get containers in pod - How to list containers in POD | Devops Junction
A Pod is a collection of Containers and the volumes combined together as a single environment. Pods are the smallest deployable artifact or entity in a Kubernetes cluster. Majorly PODs consist of only one application container. But in special scenarios, multiple...

Athena SQL Query Examples for ALB troubleshooting | Devops Junction
ALB(Application Load Balancer) Logs are a great asset when it comes to troubleshooting. It provides a finer detail of the HTTP request processed by the ALB and sent to the target. ALB logs provide various fields and data which are essential to understanding the...

Kubectl Get Nodes Sort by AGE, IP and more | Devops Junction
In this short article, we are going to see some command variations and options with kubectl get nodes to sort the nodes by age ( creation time), last transition time, IP address etc. let us see the quick Kubectl command to Get nodes in the cluster sorted by their Age...

AWS ELB Diagram generator with Python Boto & Diagrams | Devops Junction
Creating Flow Charts is an essential element of Infrastructure Management and System Architecture. Creating Diagrams from Code is a remarkable breakthrough In recent times. Python Diagrams is indeed a leader in this space and you can create your cloud diagrams in few...

EC2Search CLI tool - Search EC2 instance by name | Devops Junction
When you are working with AWS Cloud infrastructure and when you have 100s of instances to manage in multiple accounts. You might know how hard it is to get the private IP or the public IP info or any other details of a particular EC2 instance Let's say your entire...

Ansible SystemD module Examples - Devops Junction
Ansible SystemD module helps to control the systemd units such as services and timers created on the Linux server. SystemD is a daemon that manages the services and timer units on the Linux system and we mostly interact with it using the following ways service file...

AWS Blue Green Deployment Example - Jenkins | Devops Junction
Every organization out there has a single agenda, that their application should be up and running all the time, including at the time of a new release. To keep the application live at the time of deployment companies will follow different approaches to succeed in zero...

Kubernetes restart daemonset - kubectl | Devops Junction
In this quick article, let us learn how to restart the Kubernetes DaemonSet and all the pods created by the DaemonSet. Before we move on to the objective, here are some basics. real quick. DaemonSet is to deploy a specific application/feature to your Kubernetes...
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