NGINX Dynamic IP address upstream - DNS Cache issue | How to solve
NGINX has become a standard for reverse proxy implementation, At least 20% of the internet is powered by NGINX webserver as the stats suggest I presume you all know what is a reverse proxy and forward proxy and how it works. Let us move on to the objective of this...

AWS SQS Dead Letter Queue Reprocessing script | Devops Junction
In this article let us see how to reprocess messages which are stuck in SQS Dead Letter Queue At times, Even if your messages are valid, due to Lambda Concurrency or other issues your message lands in Dead Letter Queue While there are a few ways to reprocess messages...

AWS Lambda Usage and Cost Calculator - CloudWatch | Devops Junction
Serverless, as the name suggests takes the hosting and complex infrastructure elements away and helps developers and programmers to deploy their code to Production. All the underlying infrastructure, availability, and scaling would be taken care of by the service...

Why Failed or Evicted pods are not deleted and How to delete them
In Kubernetes, Evicted or Failed Pods are not cleared until the sum of total terminated pods reaches a certain number This numeric value is by default set at 12500 on standard Kubernetes including managed services like EKS, AKS, GCP etc and it is set at the Control...

Kubernetes Max PODS per Node calculator - AWS EKS | Devops Junction
Managed Kubernetes such as AWS EKS come with their own limitations. One such limitation is how many PODs a Worker node can have based on the type of EC2 instance For example, t3.medium can have only 17 pods t3.large can have 35 pods These limitations are there for...

How to Apply Pending Modifications in RDS - AWS | Devops Junction
This short article lets us see how to apply pending modifications to AWS RDS. Sometimes when we modify the RDS database instance for reasons such as Changing the Instance type Changing Parameter Group Scale up the Disk Size allocated and the maximum disk Size...

How to Launch LAMP stack on Google cloud | DevOps Junction
In this article, we are going to see How to quickly install and configure a lamp stack in google Cloud with a few simple steps Before we begin. Let us start with some basics. What is LAMP? In the dev world we hear the acronym LAMP stack tossed around, but what is it...

Why we need POD in Kubernetes | Devops Junction
In this article let us explore the reasons why we need POD in Kubernetes and why cannot we deploy the container directly to Kubernetes. Before we start with our reasoning, Let us refresh our memory with what is POD POD ( as in a pod of whales or a pod of peas)...

KubeNodeUsage -Disk, Memory, CPU Usage viewer Kubernetes | DevopsJunction
Kubernetes Node Usage or KubeNodeUsage is a CLI tool to get the Memory, CPU and Disk Usage of Kubernetes Nodes it is designed in Python and relies on the kubectl installed in your local. No Authentication data are directly handled. You can think of Kube-Node-Usage as...

CloudWatch Alarm to Slack via AWS Chatbot - Example | Devops Junction
Monitoring and Observability are crucial elements for Production uptime and site reliability. Whether your infrastructure is serverless, microservices, containerized or traditional monolith you cannot run away from the observability needs. While observability became...

AWS Blue Green deployment and Canary tests using Terraform

How to enable Cross Account S3 Access - Direct Access or Assume Role
Most of the organizations using AWS as their cloud platform have multiple AWS accounts to isolate NonProd and PROD to the minimum. In some cases, there could be dedicated AWS accounts for each environment like Dev, QA, Stage etc. In such cases, when you want to access...

How to Create and limit user to a specific Namespace - Kubernetes RBAC | Devops Junction
Kubernetes RBAC is a vast subject and it continuously evolves as I pen down this article. In this article let us see some basics of Kubernetes RBAC and move to our objective How to restrict the access of users or groups to a specific namespace. Kubernetes RBAC is...

Ansible URI module Examples - How to use Ansible URI | Devops Junction
Ansible has become a widely accepted automation platform not just for Infrastructure Automation but for various other use cases Some of them are Web and API automation, Monitoring Automation, Cloud Automation and Infrastructure as a code like Terraform In this...

Ansible Wait for URL to respond or Retry - WEB and API | Devops Junction
Ansible is used for various types of Automations and use cases. Web Automation, Web Scraping and API Automation are some of them when it comes to Web or API automation there are a lot of URLs and endpoints Sometimes they respond immediately the first time, and...
Articles for DevOps Beginner
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