AWS s3api CLI command - Introduction and Examples | Devops Junction
AWS S3 (Simple Storage Service) is a highly scalable and durable object storage service offered by Amazon Web Services (AWS). AWS S3 is one of the most used service offerings of AWS and it is built to provide high-performance and zero-latency object(file) storage with...

How Kubernetes Replicasets help as a Version Control | Devops Junction
Do you know Kubernetes replica sets can be used as version control or revision control system? If you have used the kubectl rollout command to check the revisions of the deployment. or to undo the last deployment, you might already be aware that the deployments do...

Kubernetes Service - Basics with Examples | Devops Junction
In the world of Kubernetes, Services are the backbone of networking. there are multiple types of services in Kubernetes Every Service is different and used for different use cases, In this article I am trying to talk about the Fine-grained details of each service. If...

Recover Deleted Files from Versioned S3 buckets. - Tool | Devops Junction
In this article, we are going to see how to recover deleted files from an S3 bucket. But this works only for buckets which having Versioning enabled When you do not have versioning enabled on an S3 bucket and you delete an object, it would be a permanent irreversible...

Kubernetes CronJob - How to handle concurrency and duplicates | Devops Junction
Kubernetes cronjobs are useful to schedule a task to run at a specific time just like the crontab in Linux Just like any scheduling, Kubernetes cronjobs comes with a set of advanced features which can be configured to an optimal level. Before you are using Kubernetes...

Filter and Delete in In-Flight Messages - SQS - AWS | Devops Junction
In this article, we are going to learn how to filter and delete specific messages in the SQS queue before they are read by the consumer Sometimes we accidentally push the wrong messages to SQS or for some reason we want to stop the messages in the middle before the...

Kubernetes Headless Service - Introduction and examples | Devops Junction
Kubernetes headless service is a Kubernetes service that does not assign an IP address to itself. Instead, it returns the IP addresses of the pods associated with it directly to the DNS system, allowing clients to connect to individual pods directly. This means that...

GIT Pre commit hook and Secret validation - Tools | Devops Junction
A recent Security incident at Github where the engineering team accidentally committed their private security key into their public repository alarmed other engineers and organizations Tech Giant and a pioneer and catalyst of Git, themselves have made a blunder. that...

Kubectl PortForward Examples - How to PortForward in K8s | Devops Junction
Kubectl is a command-line tool used for managing Kubernetes clusters. It provides a way to interact with the Kubernetes API, deploy applications, and monitor resources running on a Kubernetes cluster. One of the valuable features of kubectl is the port forwarding...

K8s Probes - Liveness, Readiness, Startup Examples | Devops Junction
Kubernetes probes are a mechanism for determining the health of a container running within a pod. Kubernetes supports three types of probes: Liveness, Readiness, Startup. Each of these probes serves a different purpose and helps Kubernetes manage the container...

Kubectl Scale down Pods and Save Cost - Kubernetes | Devops Junction
As the industry is going heavy on Kubernetes, as more and more monoliths are converted to microservices and onboarded to Kubernetes, as the number of namespace and nodes increase in your Kubernetes cluster, the cost of running Kubernetes would also increase...

AWS CLI assume role - How to use directly or as Profile | DevopsJunction
AWS CLI (Command Line Interface) is a powerful tool that allows users to interact with various AWS services through the command line. One of the essential features of AWS CLI is the ability to assume an IAM role, which allows users to access AWS resources and perform...

SQL queries for mysql RDS - CPU Usage, Locks, Waits and Kill | AWS
In this article let me share some SQL queries for RDS MYSQL troubleshooting It is true that when you are choosing RDS or any managed database, you cannot fully control or customize your database. There are few granular restrictions and constraints But AWS RDS is not a...

How to handle InnoDB: Unable to lock ibdata1 error - MYSQL
I have recently migrated a self-hosted MySQL from an EC2 instance to another using AMI copy and restore. and I have seen this error on the newly launched EC2 instance. Coming from a no-DBA background, I spent a day finding the root cause of this I am putting it here...

Parsing HTTP POST data with NGINX OpenResty LUA | Devops Junction
In this article let us learn how to parse through the HTTP post payload in Nginx Openresty with LUA language OpenResty is an nginx distribution which includes the LuaJIT (Just in Time) interpreter for supporting Lua scripts. this LUA script helps you extend your...
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