The Objective
The purpose of this post to share the WLST script which helps in creating a new user in weblogic 11g or 12c and map them to righteous Group for privileges. Like Administrators, Deployers, Monitors etc.
Version Compatibility
Weblogic 12c (or) 11g
The Properties file
This is the Properties file, Heart of the Python script which performs the primary objective which is creating a username and mapping them to the correct group.
- Domain Name
- Host Name where the AdminServer is Running
- Listen Port of AdminServer
- The realm in weblogic ( By Default it is
) - Weblogic User Key file
- Weblogic User Config file
- UserName, Password and the Authorization Group ckey=/Users/aksarav/ conf=/Users/aksarav/ hostname=localhost port=17001 dname=mwidomain rname=myrealm wlusers=user1,user2,user3 user1.Name=sarav user1.passwd=sarav@43 user1.desc=admin user2.Name=gopi user2.passwd=gopi@432 user2.desc=monitoring team user3.Name=karthik user3.passwd=karthik@1 user3.desc=developer
The Script file
This is the Python script which should be invoked with Weblogic WLST. def file_parse(): global _dict _dict={} usrprop = "" if os.path.exists(usrprop): fo = open(usrprop,'r+') lines = fo.readlines() for usr in lines: if "=" in usr: usr = usr.rstrip() key = usr.split('=')[0] value = usr.split('=')[1] _dict[key]=value else: print(usrprop+"property file is missing!") def connect_domain(): try: AdmSvr = _dict.get('hostname') AdmPort = _dict.get('port') AdmUrl = "t3://"+AdmSvr+":"+AdmPort AdmCfg = _dict.get('conf') AdmKey = _dict.get('ckey') print("connecting to Admin Server") if os.path.exists(AdmCfg) and os.path.exists(AdmKey): connect(userConfigFile=AdmCfg, userKeyFile=AdmKey, url = AdmUrl) print("connected to Admin Server") print"------------------------------------------------------------" except Exception, error: print("\n Unable to connect to admin server \n") print("\n please verify the url or make sure the AdminServer is up and Running:\n") print("Error description as follows:\n") print(error) print dumpStack() exit() def creating_user(): try: domainName = _dict.get('dname') realmName = _dict.get('rname') print("") authpath= '/SecurityConfiguration/' + domainName + '/Realms/' + realmName + '/AuthenticationProviders/DefaultAuthenticator' cd(authpath) cmo.createUser(uname,upwd,udesc) print(uname + " user created") except Exception, error: print("Failed to create User, Make sure that the User name is not already present") print("Make sure the the Password is atleast of 8 characters") def adding_to_group(): try: domainName = _dict.get('dname') realmName = _dict.get('rname') authpath= '/SecurityConfiguration/' + domainName + '/Realms/' + realmName + '/AuthenticationProviders/DefaultAuthenticator' cd(authpath) cmo.addMemberToGroup(grpname, uname) print("Added to group" " - " + grpname) except Exception, error: print("Failed to Add in group") if __name__ != "__main__": import os import sys redirect("/dev/null",'false') file_parse() connect_domain() users = _dict.get('wlusers').split(',') for each_user in users: uname = _dict.get(each_user+'.Name') upwd = _dict.get(each_user+'.passwd') udesc = _dict.get(each_user+'.desc') grpname = _dict.get(each_user+'.group') creating_user() adding_to_group() print"------------------------------------------------------------" if __name__ == "__main__": print('Please execute the script via WLST')
The Trail Run
Here is the Trail Run Output of the script.
aksarav@middlewareinventory:/opt/python_script$ java weblogic.WLST Initializing WebLogic Scripting Tool (WLST) ... Welcome to WebLogic Server Administration Scripting Shell Type help() for help on available commands connecting to Admin Server connected to Admin Server ------------------------------------------------------------ sarav user created Added to group - Administrators ------------------------------------------------------------ gopi user created Added to group - Monitors ------------------------------------------------------------ karthik user created Added to group - Deployers ------------------------------------------------------------
How to use it
Step1: Copy the Properties and Script file given above and save it as
Step2: Set your environment for running the WLST script by either executing
Step3: Update the properties file with a number of users and each of their username and password and the Group they belong. ( To Know what groups are available in weblogic, refer this article )
Step4: Launch the WLST Python script
with Java.Weblogic.WLST
as follows
java weblogic.WLST
Post Validation
If you would like to validate the users are created Successfully. Go Straight to console as admin user and go to user and groups section
Home -> Security Realms -> myrealm -> Users and Groups
The Trail Run ( Video )
Credits to my friend Karthik Raj for crafting this script and sharing it with us

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