Sweet 32 Attack - IHS



Sweet32 affects TLS ciphers, also OpenSSL consider Triple DES cipher is now vulnerable as RC4 cipher . The DES ciphers (and triple-DES) only have a 64-bit block size. This enables an attacker to run JavaScript in a browser and send large amounts of traffic during the same TLS connection, creating a collision. With this collision, the attacker is able to retrieve information from a session cookie.

           Disabling 3DES cipher in Apache is too easy, just follow the below steps to implement.


Review your IBM HTTP Server configuration files (httpd.conf) to determine if the default TLS cipher lists are being used.
• For each SSLEnable directive, if there is no SSLCipherSpec in the same context, no action is required for Step 1 (3DES is not preferred by default and is not included in the defaults after the fixpacks containing PI84868)
• If SSLCipherSpec is present, but not with a parameter of '3A', 'C008', 'TLS_RSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA', or 'SSL_RSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA', no action is required for Step 1 (3DES is not preferred).
• If SSLCipherSpec has explicitly named one of the parameters above, then new guidance is that this statement should be removed. At a minimum, if it is not the last SSLCipherSpec in the configuration stanza, it should be moved so that it is is the last SSLCipherSpec in the stanza.

• If you want to remove 3DES entirely (now recommended by researchers, but this may break very old clients)
• Version 7 and earlier (and z/OS prior to,, and, and 7,0,0.43)
• Remove all instances of SSLCipherSpec from the configuration file.
• After each configurations stanza with SSLEnable, append the following two lines:

• Version 8 and later (excluding z/OS prior to,, and, and 7,0,0.43)
• Remove '3A', 'C008', 'TLS_RSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA', or 'SSL_RSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA' from any existing SSLCipherSpecdirective.
• At the bottom of each configuration stanza with SSLEnable, append the following line:


Restart the IHS WebServer to effect the changes.