In this article, we are going to see how to find unused load balancers - based on Cloud Watch usage metrics like request count, active flow count
We are going to get the usage metric from CloudWatch API using Python Boto and write it as a CSV report for all types of load balancers in AWS
- Application Load Balancer ( ELB v2 - Layer 7)
- Network Load Balancer ( ELB v2 - Layer 4)
- Classic Load Balancer ( ELB v1 - Layer 4 & Layer 7)
Let us quickly walk through the Flow Diagram ( Code Layer of C4 Model ) at the Class level.
As illustrated above, we are going to use Boto Python and do the following steps
- Get all the load balancers list ( CLB, ALB & NLB) using
method - Parse through the fetched list of load balancers and Instantiate the Load Balancer Class with
implementation for parallel execution - The LoadBalancer class contains methods to take care of calling the CloudWatch API to get the metrics and writing the results as a report into a CSV file
- AWS CLI installed and Configured
- AWS Profile ( at least default) as the script assumes permission from the Environment variable
- If you do not have profiles - you can export the Key and secrets before starting the program
export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=*********************** export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=***********************
Arguments and Defaults
As a startup argument, the script accepts a report file path and number of days
- No Of Days - How many days old data should we fetch from CloudWatch
- ReportName - Full Path or relative path of the CSV file to write the report.
the script uses the boto3 method get_metric_statistics
which requires set of values in the right syntax - the important parameter to highlight here is Period
The period represents the time in seconds, that controls the granularity of the returned data points
Put simply, we take the collective/cumulative value of 86400 seconds ( a day) for each metric - for the no of days
Suppose we start the script with 5 as a no of days. we get only 5 data points - one per each day.
Feel free to modify this script to suit your needs and for more information on this method - refer the article here
Source Code
Here is the entire source code as a single file.
import boto3 from datetime import datetime, timedelta import csv import sys import pdb import loguru import threading report_name = "" no_of_days=1 log = loguru.logger class LoadBalancer(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, name, type, arn="", no_of_days=1): threading.Thread.__init__(self) = name self.type = type self.arn = arn self.cloudwatch_client = boto3.client('cloudwatch') self.no_of_days = no_of_days def run(self): self.get_usage_for_period( - timedelta(days=int(self.no_of_days)), def lb_report(self): elb_client = boto3.client('elb') elbv2_client = boto3.client('elbv2') clb_response = elb_client.describe_load_balancers() for clb in clb_response['LoadBalancerDescriptions']: lb_name = clb['LoadBalancerName'] elbv2_response = elbv2_client.describe_load_balancers() for elb in elbv2_response['LoadBalancers']: lb_name = elb['LoadBalancerName'] lb_type = elb['Type'] def get_usage_for_period(self, start_time, end_time): configmap = [ { "type": "classic", "metrics": "RequestCount", "namespaces": "AWS/ELB", "dimensions": "LoadBalancerName", "statistics": ["Sum"] }, { "type": "network", "metrics": "ActiveFlowCount", "namespaces": "AWS/NetworkELB", "dimensions": "LoadBalancer", "statistics": ["Sum"] }, { "type": "application", "metrics": "RequestCount", "namespaces": "AWS/ApplicationELB", "dimensions": "LoadBalancer", "statistics": ['Sum'] }] Namespace=find_config_in_map(configmap, self.type, "namespaces") MetricName=find_config_in_map(configmap, self.type, "metrics") if self.type == 'classic': Dimensions=[{'Name': find_config_in_map(configmap, self.type, "dimensions"), 'Value':}] else: Dimensions=[{'Name': find_config_in_map(configmap, self.type, "dimensions"), 'Value': self.arn}] Stats=find_config_in_map(configmap, self.type, "statistics")"Calling CloudWatch with {Namespace},{MetricName},{Dimensions},{Stats},{start_time}{end_time}") response = self.cloudwatch_client.get_metric_statistics( Namespace=Namespace, MetricName=MetricName, Dimensions=Dimensions, StartTime=start_time, EndTime=end_time, Period=86400, # represents the period in seconds - 1 day Statistics=Stats ) # Value of Sum metric or set to zero - if length of Datapoints is Zero cloudwatch_result = response['Datapoints'][0]['Sum'] if len(response['Datapoints']) > 0 else 0 report_data=[] report_data.append([self.type,, MetricName , cloudwatch_result]) write_report('a', report_data) def find_config_in_map(lst, searchval, configkey, key="type"): """ This function searches for a specific value in a list of dictionaries and returns the corresponding configuration value based on a specified key. """ result = [element for element in lst if element[key] == searchval][0][configkey] return result def write_report(mode, data, addheader=False): with open(report_name, mode, newline='') as csvfile: fieldnames = ['LoadBalancerType', 'LoadBalancerName', 'Metric', 'Value'] if addheader and mode == 'w': writer = csv.DictWriter(csvfile, fieldnames=fieldnames) writer.writeheader() else: writer = csv.DictWriter(csvfile, fieldnames=fieldnames) for row in data: writer.writerow({ 'LoadBalancerType': row[0], 'LoadBalancerName': row[1], 'Metric': row[2], 'Value': row[3] }) def list_load_balancers_and_stats(): # Create boto3 clients for ELB and ELBv2 elb_client = boto3.client('elb') elbv2_client = boto3.client('elbv2') report_data = [] # Get Classic Load Balancers clb_response = elb_client.describe_load_balancers() write_report('w', report_data, addheader=True) for clb in clb_response['LoadBalancerDescriptions']:"Creating Classic LBObj {clb['LoadBalancerName']}") t = LoadBalancer(clb['LoadBalancerName'], 'classic', no_of_days) t.start() # Get Network Load Balancers and Application Load Balancers elbv2_response = elbv2_client.describe_load_balancers() for elb in elbv2_response['LoadBalancers']: lb_name, lb_type, lb_arn = elb['LoadBalancerName'], elb['Type'] , elb['LoadBalancerArn'] lb_arn=lb_arn.split("/",1)[1::][0]"Creating LBObj with,{lb_name}, {lb_type}, {lb_arn}") lbobj = LoadBalancer(lb_name, lb_type, lb_arn) lbobj.start()"Waiting for all threads to finish {threading.enumerate()}") for thread in threading.enumerate(): if thread != threading.main_thread(): thread.join() def main(): args = sys.argv[1:] if not args or len(args) != 2: print('Usage: python <no_of_days> <report_name>') sys.exit(1) global report_name, no_of_days no_of_days = args[0] report_name = args[1] list_load_balancers_and_stats() if __name__ == "__main__": main() list_load_balancers_and_stats()
How to execute
Just copy the code save it with the .py extension and run it
python <no_of_days> <report_name>
Hope it helps.
Sarav AK

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