QueueB - Cloud Queue Browser for AWS SQS - Read, Browse, Search


QueueB is created with a motive to provide a client application to browse and manage Queue services of various cloud providers.

To begin with, the application is built to browse and manage AWS SQS queues. The application is built on Electron and Bootstrap and is designed to be self-hosted.

The application is built to help engineers and developers easily browse and manage their AWS SQS queues.


  • Browse and manage your AWS SQS queues right from your desktop
  • Self-hosted, no need to share your AWS credentials with any third party
  • Use your own AWS credentials to access your SQS queues - Profile based
  • An unlimited number of messages can be downloaded/fetched from the queue
  • Choose the number of messages to be fetched in a single request
  • Filter the messages and consume only the messages you are interested in using keywords or regular expressions(TODO)
  • Delete messages from the queue (TODO)
  • Search for a text in the rich text message body
  • Copy the message body to clipboard



  1. AWS Account with Programming Access - AWS Access Key
  2. IAM User with SQS privileges to list Queues and to read messages
  3. AWS CLI to be installed and configured on your local where you are going to launch SQSCLI (Mac/Windows)


Source Code (Open Source)

QueueB is completely open source and available at Github on the following URL



How to install QueueB

You can install the application using the installer available in the [releases] section . The installer is available for Windows, Mac and Linux. or you can build the application from the source code.


  1. Download the installer from the [releases] section
  2. Install the application
  3. Run the application from the installed location

Build from Source

  1. Clone the repository
  2. Run npm install to install the dependencies
  3. Run npm start to start the application
  4. You can also package the application using npm run package-win or npm run package-mac or npm run package-linux based on your OS
  5. The packaged application will be available in the dist folder
  6. Run the application from the executable file
  7. You can also install the application using the installer generated in the dist folder

How to use QueueB


Connect to your AWS

  • Open the application
  • Choose the region from the dropdown
  • Enter the name of your aws profile if you have multiple profiles in your ~/.aws/credentials file (or) leave it blank if you have only one profile - The default profile will be used
  • Click on connect button

Browse the queues

  • Once connected, you will see the list of queues available in your AWS account - choose the queue from the dropdown
  • Enter the number of messages you want to fetch in a single request - Default is 10
  • Enter the filter text to filter the messages based on the text in the message body
  • Click on browse button to fetch the messages from the queue

View the messages

  • You will see the list of messages fetched from the queue - on the right side - Rich text message body will be displayed


Sarav AK

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