In this quick article, we are presenting you with the shell script to start and stop PostgreSQL DB instance.
You can use these scripts as part of rc.d
or init.d
to be executed during the server shutdown and boot up.
Feel free to modify it further to suit your needs. Hope this helps.
Shell script to STOP PostgreSQL instance
You need to update a few key values on the script before executing.
- PATH - the path where the PostgreSQL binaries are present
- PGDATA - Data directory of your Postgres DB instance
- PG_LOG_FILE - log file location for this DB instance.
#!/usr/bin/env bash # script to stop Postgres Database export PATH=/cdwapps/local/pgsql/bin:$PATH export PGDATA=/cdwsapps/airflow/database PG_LOG_FILE=/cdwapps/airflow/logs/postgres.log num_trys=0 while [[ ${num_trys} -lt 3 ]];do if ! pg_ctl status; then echo -e "postgre is running for PGDATA Location ${PGDATA} \n" echo -e "Attempt: ${num_trys} to stop..." pg_ctl stop -D ${PGDATA} -t 180 if [ $? -eq 0 ] then echo -e "Stop command Successful." else echo -e "Stop command Failed" fi echo -e "Waiting 30 seconds for DB Gracefully shutdown..." sleep 30 if ! pg_ctl status; then echo -e "PG ${PGDATA} has been stopped successfully..." break fi ((num_trys++)) else break fi done
Shell script to start PostgreSQL instance
you need to update the following variables before using the script
- PATH - the path where the PostgreSQL binaries are present
- PGDATA - Data directory of your Postgres DB instance
- PG_LOG_FILE - log file location for this DB instance.
#!/usr/bin/env bash export PATH=/usr/lib/postgresql/10/bin:$PATH export PGDATA=/var/lib/postgresql/10/main PG_LOG_FILE=/tmp/postgres.log num_trys=0 while [[ ${num_trys} -lt 3 ]];do if pg_ctl status; then echo -e "postgre is running for PGDATA Location ${PGDATA} \n" break else ((num_trys++)) echo -e "Airflow PG ${PGDATA} not running \n" echo -e "Attempt: ${num_trys} to restart..." pg_ctl start -D ${PGDATA} -l ${PG_LOG_FILE} echo -e "Waiting 30 seconds for DB to come up..." sleep 30 if pg_ctl status; then echo -e "PG ${PGDATA} has been started successfully..." break fi fi done
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Sarav AK

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