This is for those who are wondering is there a way to get a CSV report with Complete List of Client SSL Profiles and their VIP Mapping and CIPHER Configuration in F5 LTM using tmsh
- BigIP LTM 11 and above
- Administrator Shell Access ( for logging in to terminal )
- tmsh utility ( should be already available)
- python 2.4 and above should be installed
How its designed ?
We have designed a Python Program which will use tmsh commands and OOPS programming style to prepare a Dictionary and Lists and Cross Compare them to produce Comma Separated Values (CSV) output
Sample CSV Report Generated with this Script

The Source Code
How to Execute ?
- Login to BIG-IP LTM terminal
- Download the code and save it with .py extension
- Make the script executable ( chmod a+x
- Run the script with the Partition Name as a startup argument ( If you have no Partition, use Common as your partition)
- Redirect your output to the desired CSV file
./ Common > ClientSSLProfileMapping_CIPHERS.csv
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