Exception: weblogic.nodemanager.common.configexception: native version is enabled but nodemanager native library could not be loaded Solution: For Weblogic10 & 11g Go to your $WL_HOME/common/nodemanager/ Edit the nodemanger.properties file ( If not available create it) Change the value of NativeVersionEnabled=true to NativeVersionEnabled=false Restart the Nodemanager For Weblogic 12c Go to your Domain/nodemanager directory (i.e: /apps/oracle-weblogic/domains/mwidomain/nodemanager/) Edit[...]
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Weblogic WLST storeuserconfig - Security Best Practice
Overview While connecting to Weblogic Scripting Tool (WLST) or while running any WLST scripts, we might have used the clear text username and password which could lead us to any potential security threat. In order to avoid it, Oracle recommends us to use the UserConfigFile and UserKeyFile where ever applicable. Best example where you[...]
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Weblogic domain creation script - WLST
In a continuation of our previous weblogic wlst scripts and automation tools. Here comes the weblogic domain creation script to create a new domain with the feature of creating managed servers, machines, clusters. This script is tested in weblogic11g and 12c Overview: This is a python script that can be[...]
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weblogic server status script - WLST
A Small and Simple script to get all the server status from the weblogic domain, Including AdminServer & Managed Server. The Jython Script How to Execute this script Copy the preceding script content to a file, let's say /tmp/get_wls_serverstate.py cd domain/bin . ./setDomainEnv.sh java weblogic.WLST /tmp/get_wls_serverstate.py Script Output Hope this[...]
Read moreWeblogic Application Deployment Parser
Let me introduce Weblogic Application Deployment Parser , A tool designed to list all the application (app-deployment) configuration from the config.xml file of weblogic. It uses the same core of Weblogic Config XML Reader you can find it here Though there are weblogic.Admin and WLST ways to get the deployed[...]
Read moreHow to handle the weblogic too many open files exception
How to handle the weblogic Too many open files exceptions in Linux environment. Exception: <Jan 9, 2018 11:06:01 AM IST> <Notice> <Server> <mwinventory.in> <mwiserver2> <DynamicListenThread[Default]> <<WLS Kernel>> <> <> <1515557161382> <BEA-002614> <Reopening channel "Default" on> ####<Jan 9, 2018 11:06:01 AM IST> <Error> <Server> <mwinventory.in> <mwiserver2> <DynamicListenThread[Default]> <<WLS Kernel>> <>[...]
Read moreweblogic.Deployer Exception - Server Unavailable
While Doing the deployment throught Jenkins/Hudson/Anthill continious integration server tools (or) while directly deploying the app using weblogic.Deployer (or) during the normal console deployment, there are chances you might have come across this exception. Exception: java.rmi.RemoteException: [Deployer:149145]Unable to contact 'mwiServer3'. Deployment is deferred until 'mwiServer3' becomes available. Deployment Logs weblogic@mwinventory01>[...]
Read moreWeblogic 12c installation/implementation in Linux with GUI
Overview The objective of this Post is to talk about the step by step process of installing the weblogic 12c in GUI mode and creating the domains. Here is a Quick Summary of what we will be discussing on this post System requirements Creating dedicated user and group for weblogic[...]
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How to Pack and Unpack the Domain in weblogic
pack and unpack of weblogic domain While setting up the distributed WebLogic domain infrastructure, You might have wondered,(as I did) "how am going to get the another unix machine into my domain and register it or create the managed server in it ?" Installing the WebLogic and re-creating the domain[...]
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Weblogic 12c Oracle Datasource TNS Exception
Problem While creating a Oracle Data source in weblogic 12c, If you are encountering the below error message upon TestConnection. Though all the SID(Database name) and Host and Port are Correct Listener refused the connection with the following error: ORA-12505, TNS:listener does not currently know of SID given in connect descriptor[...]
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