Postfix is a powerful opensource mail server with a lot of customization options available built-in. I recently had a requirement to set up an Organization-wide mail server to perform SMTP relay to Office365 and allow our Java, JS, Python applications to send emails from different office365 email ids based on[...]
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What is STDOUT and STDERR in Linux - echo to STDERR
Every command we run in Linux would either give output or throw an error. Sometimes we want the errors to be redirected into an output channel or you may want to redirect the STDERR to one file and STDOUT to a different file You might have come across these two[...]
Read moreShell Script to SSH with Password - How to Handle Password Prompt
Are you looking for a Shell Script that connects to remote server and executes some commands or another script? Are you looking for a Shell Script which SCP files to a remote server? Are you looking for Shell Script to SSH with Password and Automatically handle the Password Prompt? Wondering[...]
Read moreHow to enable SSH Key based authentication - Passwordless SSH
How to SSH without Password into remote Linux Server is the question that every Engineer working on Linux might have come across. Sometimes the Question we seek could be different like ssh command without password ssh to the remote server without password SSH without password from Shell Script SCP to[...]
Read moreHow to create ssh public key from private key - Vagrant & Linux
How to create SSH public Key from SSH private key is a question made me write this post. Though we would be able to achieve the SSH key-based authentication by producing the private key. Sometimes it is necessary that we must have the SSH public key. Especially when we are[...]
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