Sarav is the creator and Founding Author of Devops Junction. He has 13+ years of experience in Software Development and Architecture. He has written around 250+ articles on various technologies.

How to List the applied Patches in Weblogic

To List the applied patches in weblogic, you can do the following. For Versions Prior 10.3 Go to your MW_HOME/utils/bsu directory Run the following command ./ -report Note* If you get any error like "unable to access patch-client.jar" - Execute the from WL_HOME/server/bin script and retry For weblogic 12c[...]

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Weblogic SNMP Monitoring Setup - Step By Step

The Objective of this post is cover the Weblogic SNMP monitoring in a practical manner. This post will have both theoretical and practical information and a video to help you understand things better. Let's start!.   What is SNMP and How it works SNMP - Simple Network Management Protocol is a[...]

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Troubleshooting Load Balancing Issues in Weblogic

This Post is going talk about few real time requirements (or) scenarios and how to handle it. Let's start! Consider the following scnearios Scenario 1 The Weblogic Cluster is having four managed servers and during the load/stress test you are finding that there is improper load balancing between the cluster members.[...]

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Weblogic 12c Nodemanger Native Version Exception

Exception: weblogic.nodemanager.common.configexception: native version is enabled but nodemanager native library could not be loaded Solution: For Weblogic10 & 11g Go to your $WL_HOME/common/nodemanager/ Edit the file ( If not available create it) Change the value of NativeVersionEnabled=true to NativeVersionEnabled=false Restart the Nodemanager For Weblogic 12c Go to your Domain/nodemanager directory (i.e: /apps/oracle-weblogic/domains/mwidomain/nodemanager/) Edit[...]

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Weblogic WLST storeuserconfig - Security Best Practice

Overview While connecting to Weblogic Scripting Tool  (WLST) or while running any WLST scripts, we might have used the clear text username and password which could lead us to any potential security threat. In order to avoid it, Oracle recommends us to use the UserConfigFile and UserKeyFile where ever applicable. Best example where you[...]

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Weblogic domain creation script - WLST

In a continuation of our previous weblogic wlst scripts and automation tools. Here comes the weblogic domain creation script to create a new domain with the feature of creating managed servers, machines, clusters. This script is tested in weblogic11g and 12c   Overview: This is a python script that can be[...]

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weblogic server status script - WLST

A Small and Simple script to get all the server status from the weblogic domain, Including AdminServer & Managed Server. The Jython Script How to Execute this script Copy the preceding script content to a file, let's say /tmp/ cd domain/bin . ./ java weblogic.WLST /tmp/ Script Output  Hope this[...]

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