Sarav is the creator and Founding Author of Devops Junction. He has 13+ years of experience in Software Development and Architecture. He has written around 250+ articles on various technologies.
In this post, we are going to see how to Design and Develop a Simple NodeJS web application and Deploy the NodeJS web application to Docker and How to create Docker Images and start the container from the images and How to manage the docker container and publish your images[...]
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The Objective This article is for you if you are looking for a solution for any of these scenarios Export or List All the Pools across All the Partitions Export or List All the Pools and their VIP mapping across all the partitions available Export or List All the Unused[...]
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What is a Container: A container is a full package (or) grouping of an entire runtime environment of an application including its binaries, the runtime to run the application, System related tools, System libraries, Settings, and configurations. Are you kidding? It is full of Jargon. I felt the same way[...]
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The Overview This post is about the Java J2EE web application and starts with explaining what is Web Application and why they are called as WAR files and what is the Standard Directory Structure of Web Application or WAR file and What WAR files are consists of etc and continues[...]
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The Overview Administrating and Managing Weblogic is easy if you have the right tools in place and the knowledge of the existing features what weblogic is already bundled with. In this article, we are going to see one such feature, Which I was not even aware sometimes ago. As an[...]
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The Overview In this post, we are going to share the irule we have recently designed for one of our requirement. We basically wanted to log when the client is using a weak cipher or deprecated protocols like SSLV3, TLSv1.0 or TLSv1.1 This iRule would help you get an insight on what[...]
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This article is about "how to replace a line in file using ansible and seeing various other examples of ansible replace module". Ansible facilitates us with a dedicated module named as replace The working principle of this module is more like find and replace in your favourite editor and it also supports[...]
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The Overview In this post, we are going to explore how and where to configure the heap memory in tomcat servlet container ( application server). How and where to set the XMX and XMS values for your Tomcat JVM and where to configure the different GC policies like Parallel GC, Concurrent[...]
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Ansible ad hoc commands are one-liners designed to achieve a very specific task they are like quick snippets and your compact swiss army knife when you want to do a quick task across multiple machines. To put simply, Ansible ad hoc commands are one-liner Linux shell commands and playbooks are[...]
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The Objective of this post is to show how to search for a string in a file with ansible. ansible provides various ways to accomplish the same. We will cover, three major ways to search for a string in a file. Lineinfile module Using the Shell module and grep command[...]
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