Sarav is the creator and Founding Author of Devops Junction. He has 13+ years of experience in Software Development and Architecture. He has written around 250+ articles on various technologies.
Ansible archive module is an ansible way of compressing the file and creating an archive. Just like the tar and gz command working together. If you are a Linux guy you would easily get this analogy. For windows, Just think of this as a normal winzip or WinRAR programs Facts of Ansible archive[...]
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How to list all repositories in BitBucket, the same question I had and when I was searching in the community I found a script and I made some modifications on top of it and sharing it with you all. So, I hope you are all aware that BitBucket has the[...]
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In AWS infrastructure, We create a lot of EC2 instances on demand and we tend to forget about the stopped instances considering that it is stopped and not being billed for. But the fact is that Even the stopped instances would cost you a couple of pennies in various forms[...]
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Ansible template module helps to template a file out to a remote server. Simply put, at runtime ansible template module updates the jinja2 interpolation syntax variables with actual values and copy the template file to the remote server with the specified name. This is most useful for configuration templating and[...]
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PowerShell is a powerful tool and it enables the Windows servers to compete with the Shell and Linux command line features. One of the useful command in linux is tail which helps us to view the file as it gets updated mostly used to view the log files. For instance,[...]
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Ansible Dynamic inventory is a wonderful feature to efficiently manage the entire infrastructure, In an ideal world the list of hosts we have in our infrastructure would not be static, the number of hosts would increase or decrease based on the new instance provisioning and server decommissioning. In this variable[...]
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In this post, we are going to see how to use ansible lookup and how to read file into ansible playbook using ansible file lookup. Purpose of Ansible Lookups When it comes to automation, we handle different types of data and files such as csv, txt and sometimes we might even need[...]
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In this article, we are going to see how to read the JSON file in ansible-playbook JSON is the most famous data representation it is widely used to store and transmit data. When you are working in Ansible automation, you might get a requirement to work with JSON files and[...]
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Kubernetes Ingress We understand that as per traditional infrastructure setup, in order to load balance the client requests you are required to configure instances for each application you want to balance the load, which makes your configuration lengthy, and when moving this architecture to open source technologies it will be[...]
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Ansible APT Package manager is an Ubuntu equivalent for RedHat yum package manager. Just like all other ansible modules apt ansible module is built after one specific unix command of Debian apt-get It is always recommended to choose the modules rather using the raw unix commands over the shell module as it would[...]
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