In this article, we are going to see how to install Kafka on ubuntu with Ansible. We created a simple playbook to download and install Kafka and start it.
Here is the list of tasks the playbook is designed to do
- Perform apt update
- Install JRE needed for Kafka and Zookeeper
- Create a User and Group for Kafka
- Create a directory to install Kafka
- Download Kafka and Unarchive
- Update the Log Path
- Update the Heap Size of the Kafka
- Create a Service - systemctl file for Kafka and Zookeeper
- Enabling the Service for Stratup
Ansible Playbook to install Apache Kafka on Ubuntu
Since I have already listed the tasks this playbook is doing. I do not want to cover this in detail.
There are various modules used in this playbook. We have dedicated examples for each of these modules in here
- apt - to install packages in ubuntu
- group - to create a user group
- user - to create a user
- file - to create installation directory
- unarchive - to download and extract the zip distribution of Kafka
- shell - to move files to the right directory before starting a service
- lineinfile - to update the heapsize
- copy - to create a service file in /etc/systemd
- systemd - to enable and start the services
- wait_for - to validate if Kafka and Zookeeper is up and running and the port is open
- name: Installing Kafka on Ubuntu hosts: testserver vars: - installation_dir : /opt/kafka tasks: - name: Install JRE after apt update become: yes apt: name: - default-jre state: present update_cache: yes - name: Create a group become: yes group: name: kafka state: present - name: Create an user become: yes user: name: kafka state: present group: kafka - name: Create a Directory /opt/kafka become: yes file: path: "{{installation_dir}}" state: directory mode: 0755 owner: kafka group: kafka - name: Download Kafka and Unzip become: yes become_user: kafka unarchive: src: dest: "{{installation_dir}}" mode: 0755 remote_src: yes - name: Move all the files to parent Directory become: yes become_user: kafka shell: mv {{installation_dir}}/kafka_*/* {{installation_dir}}/. - name: Update the log path become: yes become_user: kafka replace: path: "{{installation_dir}}/config/" regexp: 'log.dirs=(.+)' replace: 'log.dirs={{installation_dir}}/logs' backup: yes - name: Update the Java Heap Size for Kafka become: yes become_user: kafka replace: path: "{{installation_dir}}/bin/" regexp: 'export KAFKA_HEAP_OPTS=(".+")' replace: 'export KAFKA_HEAP_OPTS="-Xmx520M -Xms520M"' backup: yes - name: Create a Service file for ZooKeeper with Copy module become: yes copy: dest: /etc/systemd/system/zookeeper.service content: | [Unit] [Service] Type=simple User=kafka ExecStart={{installation_dir}}/bin/ {{installation_dir}}/config/ ExecStop={{installation_dir}}/bin/ Restart=on-abnormal [Install] mode: 0755 - name: Create a Service file for Kafka with Copy module become: yes copy: dest: /etc/systemd/system/kafka.service content: | [Unit] Requires=zookeeper.service After=zookeeper.service [Service] Type=simple User=kafka ExecStart=/bin/sh -c '{{installation_dir}}/bin/ {{installation_dir}}/config/ > {{installation_dir}}/kafkaservice.log 2>&1' ExecStop={{installation_dir}}/bin/ Restart=on-abnormal [Install] mode: 0755 - name: Start Services tags: startservices become: yes systemd: name: '{{item}}' state: started enabled: yes with_items: - "kafka" - "zookeeper" - name: Validating if zookeeper is up and listening on port 2181 wait_for: host: localhost port: 2181 delay: 10 timeout: 30 state: started msg: "Zookeeper not seem to be running" - name: Validating if Kafka is up and listening on port 2181 wait_for: host: localhost port: 9092 delay: 10 timeout: 30 state: started msg: "Zookeeper not seem to be running"
You can get the same version of this playbook from my too here
Terminal Record - Execution Output and Validation
In this terminal record, we have recorded the execution of the playbook and the resulting configuration by logging into the server.
Also, we tried to create a new topic and publish/consume messages using the Kafka built-in scripts.
Sarav AK

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