Client IP Logging in IIS/Apache - Story of X-Forwarded-For Header

We all at some point wanted to know who is accessing our web page.

Our Source of information is the access log file. Sometimes we do not get what we expect to.

In case if we want to know the exact client's IP.  Sometimes All you get is some network/firewall endpoint IP address which is none of your concern.

So how to get your exact client IP address in your web server log file.

Before discussing that part. We have to set a stage first, an infrastructure setup which we could relate and understand. The objective of this post will only be met if we are on the same page.


Let's consider a scenario like this. 
  • A user named "Tony Stark" { I like him :)} is launching the URL from his home in his favorite browser.
  • After all the DNS resolution story, It gets the IP of the domain name as
  • This must be a Public IP address, Generally denoted or pointing to some internal virtual IP  of the company  mwinventory VIP [Virtual IP is an IP created/used in Load Balancer (Bigip, F5, Squid) to receive the global request before applying any load balancing (or) IP spraying (or) internal re-routing strategies.]
  • These VIPs will forward the requests to the actual web server IP address (or) to a group of web server organized and denoted in the name of pool
  • When the HTTP request reaches the Load balancer, it continues the journey through the load balancing rules and find its way to the web server using  server_pool or an Irule [Rules, written for routing, A kind of algorithm]
  • After reaching the web server based on the technology this site is using it will either go to the application server (or) will be processed at the web server itself. i.e LAMP/WAMP [PHP/CGI] websites
  • In case of java based web application, HTTP request will proceed further to application server with the help of application server proxies/plugins like [mod_proxy/mod_jk/WebLogic Proxy Plugin/Websphere Proxy Plugin]
In this long voyage,  Tony Stark's actual IP address would get lost or gets replaced by the IP address of any edge components like load balancer (or) firewall


So finally, on the web server what we get is not the IP address of Tony Stark. ( Not even Hulk 🙂 ) it is some edge component's IP. We do not need that.


So how to handle it?


Here comes the header, which is going to help us on this mysterious journey of HTTP request


What is X-Forwarded-For

The X-Forwarded-For (XFFHTTP header field is a common method for identifying the originating IP address of a client connecting to a web server through an HTTP proxy or load balancer.

So let us start with, how to enable X-Forwarding in the Load Balancer

I am taking Big-IP Load balancer for this article.

How to enable XFF in BigIP

To configure the BIG-IP system to insert the original client IP address in an X-Forwarded-For HTTP header, perform the following procedure:

  1. Log in to the Configuration utility.
  2. Navigate to Local Traffic > Profiles.
  3. From the Services menu, click HTTP.
  4. Click Create.
  5. Type a name for the HTTP profile.
  6. Select the Insert X-Forwarded-For check box.

    Note: Older versions of BIG-IP software may display the option as Insert XForwarded For instead of Insert X-Forwarded-For.

  7. From the Insert X-Forwarded-For menu, select Enabled.
  8. Click Finished.

    You must now associate the new HTTP profile with the virtual server/VIP

Using an iRule to insert the original client IP address in an X-Forwarded-For HTTP header

  1. Log in to the Configuration utility.
  2. Navigate to Local Traffic > iRules > Create.
  3. In the Name box, type a name.
  4. In the Definition box, copy and paste the following iRule:

    when HTTP_REQUEST {
    HTTP::header insert X-Forwarded-For [IP::remote_addr]

  5. Click Finished.

    You must now associate the new iRule with the virtual server/VIP

Configuring the web server to extract the IP address from the HTTP header

After you have configured the BIG-IP system to insert the original client IP address in an HTTP header using an X-Forwarded-For HTTP header, you must also configure the web server to extract the IP address from the HTTP header, and then log the IP address to the web server log file.

Apache web server

You can configure an Apache web server to extract the IP address from the X-Forwarded-For HTTP header and log that IP address to the web server log file by adding the appropriate logging directives to the main Apache configuration file (typically named httpd.conf) or to the relevant virtual host configuration files.

For example:

LogFormat "%v %{X-Forwarded-For}i %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b" X-Forwarded-For
CustomLog /var/log/apache/ X-Forwarded-For

IIS web server

Unlike Apache Web server, to make IIS web server to extract the IP address from the X-Forwarded-For HTTP Header and log that IP address to the log file, we need to perform list of configuration changes in the site.

For IIS 7

Open IIS manager by the run command inetmgr (or) using control panel.

To enable XFF logging you must have a Advanced Logging feature enabled

In general "Advanced Logging" does not come as built in with IIS 7, you must install as an add-on

From here you can download the same

You will get a installation binary with  a name  AdvancedLogging.msi double click on the package to install it on the server

After installing the Advanced Logging plugin, close and re-open the iis manager and click on the server node

You will be able to see an Icon named Advanced Logging under the IIS grouping on the center panel

Double click on Advanced Logging Icon

you will get screen like this, you must enable it by clicking "Enable Advanced Logging" option on the right panel

After enabling the Advanced Logging

Expand the Server Node  -> Click on Sites ->  Click on your corresponding Site name

Here my website name is "WebServices" , click to select it


Double click on Advanced Logging Icon available on the center panel.

on the right panel click on "Edit Logging Fields"  link  to add a new logging field

You will get screen like below

Now click on Add Field  and fill the values as shown in the below Screen snap

Now hit OK 

From the Actions pane on the right, click Add Log Definition.

Enter "Client Source IP" in the Base file name field.

Click Select Fields and select the Logging Field we have added in the previous section "Client Source IP"


Click OK on the Select Logging Fields form, then click Apply in the actions pane.

Restart the corresponding website

The advanced log must be viewed rather than the default log. The advanced log is located in %SystemDrive%inetpublogsAdvancedLogs. To view the logs, right-click the Client Source IP log definition and click View Log Files.

For IIS8

In IIS8 this is much simpler to enable XFF and to capture XFF in the log

  1. Select your website and click on it
  2. Click the Logging Icon in the center panel
  3. In the Log File Grouping click on Select Fields

  4. Click on Add Field and add a new Field as shown in the following snap

  5. Click OK and return to previous page and restart the corresponding website

That's it, you will be able to see the XFF information in the current log file of your website.


Hope this post is helpful. Please comment and let me know your feedback

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