How to find Unused Load Balancers - Based on Traffic | AWS FinOps

Unused AWS LB report

In this article, we are going to see how to find unused load balancers - based on Cloud Watch usage metrics like request count, active flow count

We are going to get the usage metric from CloudWatch API using Python Boto and write it as a CSV report for all types of load balancers in AWS

  • Application Load Balancer ( ELB v2 - Layer 7)
  • Network Load Balancer ( ELB v2 - Layer 4)
  • Classic Load Balancer ( ELB v1 - Layer 4 & Layer 7)

Let us quickly walk through the Flow Diagram ( Code Layer of C4 Model ) at the Class level.

Unused Load Balancer

As illustrated above, we are going to use Boto Python and do the following steps

  1. Get all the  load balancers list ( CLB, ALB & NLB) using DescribeLoadBalancer method
  2. Parse through the fetched list of load balancers and Instantiate the Load Balancer Class with threading.thread implementation for parallel execution
  3. The LoadBalancer class contains methods to take care of calling the CloudWatch API to get the metrics and writing the results as a report into a CSV file



  1. AWS CLI installed and Configured
  2. AWS Profile ( at least default) as the script assumes permission from the Environment variable
  3. If you do not have profiles - you can export the Key and secrets before starting the program
    export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=***********************
    export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=***********************


Arguments and Defaults

As a startup argument, the script accepts a report file path and number of days

  • No Of Days - How many days old data should we fetch from CloudWatch
  • ReportName - Full Path or relative path of the CSV file to write the report.

the script uses the boto3 method get_metric_statistics which requires set of values in the right syntax - the important parameter to highlight here is  Period

The period represents the time in seconds, that controls the granularity of the returned data points

Put simply, we take the collective/cumulative value of 86400 seconds ( a day) for each metric - for the no of days

Suppose we start the script with 5 as a no of days. we get only 5 data points - one per each day.

Feel free to modify this script to suit your needs and for more information on this method - refer the article here


Source Code

Here is the entire source code as a single file.

import boto3
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import csv
import sys
import pdb
import loguru
import threading

report_name = ""
log = loguru.logger

class LoadBalancer(threading.Thread):

    def __init__(self, name, type, arn="", no_of_days=1):
        threading.Thread.__init__(self) = name
        self.type = type
        self.arn = arn
        self.cloudwatch_client = boto3.client('cloudwatch')
        self.no_of_days = no_of_days

    def run(self):
        self.get_usage_for_period( - timedelta(days=int(self.no_of_days)),

    def lb_report(self):
        elb_client = boto3.client('elb')
        elbv2_client = boto3.client('elbv2')

        clb_response = elb_client.describe_load_balancers()
        for clb in clb_response['LoadBalancerDescriptions']:
            lb_name = clb['LoadBalancerName']

        elbv2_response = elbv2_client.describe_load_balancers()
        for elb in elbv2_response['LoadBalancers']:
            lb_name = elb['LoadBalancerName']
            lb_type = elb['Type']
    def get_usage_for_period(self, start_time, end_time):

        configmap = [
                "type": "classic",
                "metrics": "RequestCount",
                "namespaces": "AWS/ELB",
                "dimensions": "LoadBalancerName",
                "statistics": ["Sum"]
                "type": "network",
                "metrics": "ActiveFlowCount",
                "namespaces": "AWS/NetworkELB",
                "dimensions": "LoadBalancer",
                "statistics": ["Sum"]
                "type": "application",
                "metrics": "RequestCount",
                "namespaces": "AWS/ApplicationELB",
                "dimensions": "LoadBalancer",
                "statistics": ['Sum']
        Namespace=find_config_in_map(configmap, self.type, "namespaces")
        MetricName=find_config_in_map(configmap, self.type, "metrics")
        if self.type == 'classic':
            Dimensions=[{'Name': find_config_in_map(configmap, self.type, "dimensions"), 'Value':}]
            Dimensions=[{'Name': find_config_in_map(configmap, self.type, "dimensions"), 'Value': self.arn}]
        Stats=find_config_in_map(configmap, self.type, "statistics")"Calling CloudWatch with {Namespace},{MetricName},{Dimensions},{Stats},{start_time}{end_time}")
        response = self.cloudwatch_client.get_metric_statistics(
            Period=86400, # represents the period in seconds - 1 day
        # Value of Sum metric or set to zero - if length of Datapoints is Zero
        cloudwatch_result = response['Datapoints'][0]['Sum'] if len(response['Datapoints']) > 0 else 0
        report_data.append([self.type,, MetricName , cloudwatch_result])
        write_report('a', report_data)

def find_config_in_map(lst, searchval, configkey, key="type"):
    This function searches for a specific value in a list of dictionaries and returns the corresponding
    configuration value based on a specified key.
    result = [element for element in lst if element[key] == searchval][0][configkey]
    return result

def write_report(mode, data, addheader=False):
    with open(report_name, mode, newline='') as csvfile:
        fieldnames = ['LoadBalancerType', 'LoadBalancerName', 'Metric', 'Value']
        if addheader and mode == 'w':
            writer = csv.DictWriter(csvfile, fieldnames=fieldnames)
            writer = csv.DictWriter(csvfile, fieldnames=fieldnames)

        for row in data:
                'LoadBalancerType': row[0],
                'LoadBalancerName': row[1],
                'Metric': row[2],
                'Value': row[3]

def list_load_balancers_and_stats():

    # Create boto3 clients for ELB and ELBv2
    elb_client = boto3.client('elb')
    elbv2_client = boto3.client('elbv2')

    report_data = []

    # Get Classic Load Balancers
    clb_response = elb_client.describe_load_balancers()
    write_report('w', report_data, addheader=True)
    for clb in clb_response['LoadBalancerDescriptions']:"Creating Classic LBObj {clb['LoadBalancerName']}")
        t = LoadBalancer(clb['LoadBalancerName'], 'classic', no_of_days)

    # Get Network Load Balancers and Application Load Balancers
    elbv2_response = elbv2_client.describe_load_balancers()
    for elb in elbv2_response['LoadBalancers']:
        lb_name, lb_type, lb_arn = elb['LoadBalancerName'], elb['Type'] , elb['LoadBalancerArn']
        lb_arn=lb_arn.split("/",1)[1::][0]"Creating LBObj with,{lb_name}, {lb_type}, {lb_arn}")
        lbobj = LoadBalancer(lb_name, lb_type, lb_arn)
        lbobj.start()"Waiting for all threads to finish {threading.enumerate()}")
    for thread in threading.enumerate():
        if thread != threading.main_thread():

def main():
    args = sys.argv[1:]

    if not args or len(args) != 2:
        print('Usage: python <no_of_days> <report_name>')
    global report_name, no_of_days
    no_of_days = args[0]
    report_name = args[1]

if __name__ == "__main__":


How to execute

Just copy the code save it with the .py extension and run it

python <no_of_days> <report_name>

Hope it helps.

Sarav AK

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